Trini Life

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wednesday, Hump Day, Thank God

Another lovely Wednesday has come and gone, so we are closer to the weekend. :))

Just had to show you the lovely tribute to the Soca Warriors outside Piarco International. We pass by this every morning on the way to work, and it just gets me sooo inspired. (yes, that was sarcasm). For real, though, I guess it is sorta nice, I mean, that they are so excited about the World Cup shot.

I made a friend here in the community..her name is Pam. We have been walking about 5 miles every evening. She is native Indo-Trini, but just got back from living in Paris (her husband works for Schlumberger..which, ironically, is the same company my long-ago ex-husband worked for in MS. haha) She brought me some dahl tonight (some indian bean soup kinda stuff) and i was polite and tried some and was able to maintain my composure. Just something' about curry that I don't like. I can't pinpoint it, it just kinda makes me nauseous. Okay, give me a jar of jalapenos and something to drink and I can down that (bet me), but hold the curry. YUCK. ;) We are going to take a Spanish class together, and I am also hiring her housekeeper to come clean my house 2 days a week, do my laundry, iron, and even clean the windows (yeah, i know, i don't really need someone to come clean, but what the hell) for a grand total of 20 USD a week. Hey, I am doing my part to help the local economy! :) That is 10 bucks a cleanin'! and the laundry, too? wow. I am so excited to have a social life now, I mean, without having to have Quincy babysit me too much. Maybe I can find a single chick in here and get him a girlfriend..just that he is so damn stubborn and hard-headed, no one would want to put up with him. I smoked 3 cigarettes today, ALL DAY, and I got a lecture tonight when he saw me light the third one up. Three beats a pack any day of the week in my book. I don't smoke around him anyway. I guess I just don't tolerate controlling men at all, especially when they aren't paying any of my bills. haha Eric, I swear, don't listen to him when you get down here; by his account, he will say that all i do is shop. I am telling you now, DON'T LISTEN. ;) Like you care. LOL

If you haven't seen the new show on HBO, big love, try to catch it. It is really good. All you guys who wish you had 2 or 3 wives should especially watch. You would go broke buying Viagra. ;)

I am blowing a big kiss up to the USA, somebody catch it!



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