Trini Life

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Since I evidently have too much time on my hands to think about stuff, I am going to take some kinda class. I can't figure out what I want to do, though. I might take a salsa class...i keep seeing a "massage" class in the paper...wondering if I should investigate that and see if it is for real. lol Anyhow, too much free time, so something's gotta give. An idle mind is the devil's workshop, or so they say.

Tuesday night, woohoo...Spader and Shatner, Lock and Load. I hate I can't watch Amazing Race because it comes on at the same time, but they guys come first because Spader is so much easier to look at than some 60-year-old chick bungee jumping off the Eiffel tower or something.

To Debbie: You left me hangin' the other me back and fill me in.

To Mary Ellen: I love you, girl! Have fun in NYC this weekend! Wish I could make it! Tell Les I said, "Erin go bragh!" haha Did you guys get my St. P's message? :)

To Eric: Please make sure the cabinets are finished before I come home if you rip the other ones down. haha You know I will be obssessing if dishes are stacked everywhere. And thank you, the new door out of the DR looks absolutely LOVELY. :)) Tell my girls I love 'em AGAIN. haha U2. Tell Paw I love him and good luck on the 6th. I will be on standby.

To Ginger: Please have the baby soon so instead of complaining about feeling like a weeble, you can complain 'cause she is crying all the time. hahaha YOUR TURN, BABEEE. ;) LOVE YOU, SIS! Sorry I can't be there.

To Barbie: Girl, hang in there....and thanks for the always brighten my day. I miss you so much! Tell everyone hello for me, please.

To Tammy and Jim: Miss you guys, hope to see you when I come home this time.

To my HS friends: Thanks for putting up with me, and thanks for being there. I know I have been a pain in the ass lately to a couple of you, but it is only because I am battling my addiction and getting used to being in a foreign country, still. Yeah, cut way down on the smokes. Let's not talk about it, though, cause talking about it makes me want to go smoke one. haha

To DJ: Hope you did up Vonda's bday right. Tell David I said hey.

To Billy D.: Duck! Just kidding. Miss you and love you and hope you get out of hell soon and go home.

I've been thinkin'....

Why can't we have football (I mean real American football) year-round?

85 murders in Trini in 79 days. hmm.

Why is a RT ticket to BWI or Dulles 250 cheaper than a RT ticket to Miami or St. Pete? That makes no sense to me.

I hope Lenny wins the Apprentice, cause he ROCKS.

I miss American Idol. I miss Fox. I REALLY miss HOUSE. I would gladly trade Fox Soccer for regular Fox TV. I am sick of watching futbol..well, unless Real Madrid is playing. I can tolerate that, but only because of Becks.

The tomatoes here SUCK. They are little and dry. I don't understand it. No decent tomatoes.

I am SICK OF CHICKEN, but not sick enough of it to switch to LAMB.

People bitch about poverty in the US, but they don't have a CLUE what REAL POVERTY is.

Okay, Hugo Chavez is WHACK, but maybe he has a point about a few things. lol

DID I SAY THAT? OH JESUS, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? haha Am I becoming a liberal?

On that note, I am putting on my favorite tshirt, slipping into bed, and watching Brokeback Mountain again until I fall asleep. :)

Miss you.

See ya!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fancy putting chicken ahead of lamb !!! ;-)

(from a UK lamb lover !!!!)

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

baa baaaa

2:48 PM  

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