Today was a holiday, so no class..woohoo! One of the student teams came over to my house in hopes of filming a segment of their "mockumentary" for class, but they got here and the camcorder wasn't working right..it was probably 10 years old and worn out anyway. lol So since it didn't work, they decided they just wanted to hang out for a while. I think that was probably the plan anyway, as one of them knew something was wrong with it anyway. So they all show up except Camille (my Muslim student), and we are just sitting around..and then Camille shows up with her family in tow to meet me. So all these Muslims show up with me in shorts and a tank top, feeling like i need to cover my head or something...and Camille announces, "I want you all to meet the greatest teacher in the world!" and i am like, "Huh?" It was so embarrassing. lmao They were all very sweet. Maybe they wanted to check out where it was they were dropping her off. She lives a very sheltered life. She is such a sweet girl. Heck, all of my class members are sweet.
This is Shelly and Camille.
This is Petronilla. She is a real firecracker. Five kids, my age, and wearing a "Looking For a Few Bad Boys" tank top. haha Gotta love it.
And finally, Stacy. She is not your typical Trini. She is an extreme perfectionist, is always punctual, and is very competitive. She thinks everything here is wayy too slow. I think she will be the valedictorian of the class. :)
So we had Christians, Hindus, and Muslims all together to celebrate Spriritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day. We walked to the mall, ate lunch, walked back home. They all had their prissy high heels on, except Stacy, like Trini women do. Not me. :) All 3 religions in one place, getting along great. Why can't the world follow suit? LOL
No baby niece yet. Hurry up and get here before your mama goes out of her head! hahaha
Random Thoughts
Eric, I heard both of these movie quotes within the past two weeks, hearing both of them as I was passing through the livingroom and not even watching the tube..and I figured you were watching both movies for the umpteen millionth time.
Anyone want to guess the movies? Eric, you can't play on this one.
Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Jake: Hit it.
This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle I am useless.
I have had at least 6 people ask me where I was from, and when I state, "Pennsylvania," they reply, "oh, like where vampires are from????" Of course I inform them they are way off base geographically. Haha Funny, my dad lived in Transylvania, Louisiana, though.
The other question I get is
Do all people from Mississippi hate black people, or is that just on TV? Then I have to break out pictures to PROVE that I actually have black friends. Talk about stereotypes. Jeeze. Come on, people, have you ever felt anything but LOVE from this Mississippian? haha Give me a break!
BB and FMJ!
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