Trini Life

Friday, February 10, 2006

For My Geographically Challenged Friends...A Primer on Trinidad (and Tobago)

Until I get those pics scanned and on here from the SB party, let us take a minute to review...I have had people ask me (who heard I was going out of the country to work) if I was really going to TIBET to work...another asked me if it was true that I was going to Africa to work. Okay, here, look:

Okay, now that we are clear on where I am...LOL Trinidad is about anywhere from 7 to 12 miles from the crazies in Venezuela (depends on which source you rely on for the info). The weather is very boring, like 85-90 every day and 69-73 every night. Okay, I won't complain, that part could be worse. There is hardly any humidity here. I expected a lot more, but no, dry and breezy. The population here is approximately 40% East Indian descent, 40% African descent, 0.6% Caucasian, and the rest various other races. The total population is only about 1.2 million for T and T, and already this year, there have been approximately 40 murders (as of February 10). Camouflage is illegal here, with longg jail time and something like a 25,000 TT fine (for those of you not familiar with the conversion, that is over 4000 USD.

This is the flag of Trinidad and Tobago. Maybe it will be inspiration for a future (very tiny) tattoo. Depends on how I feel when I leave here for good. Too much red to get another big flag, trust me. Pain has its time and place, but after the Union Jack, um, no more big flags with a lot of red or blue. Then again, maybe I will grow up and not get any more tattoos. :))


Okay, decided today that I am officially setting March 1 as my quit smoking date. I think I said April 1 before, but I have decided to make it March 1. This will only be the umpteenth millionth time I have tried, but maybe I can make it stick. Just did some serious thinking today, and I have to do it. Gotta make some changes. God, I am going to be nuts for a few days. My students are going to hate me. You may say, hey, just use patches....but I am crazy with patches, too. Time to grow up and be more responsible. ..right?

That will only leave me with a couple of vices that I absolutely REFUSE to give up. ;))


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what vices might those be ? ;-)

7:15 AM  

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