What a day...
I woke up this morning feeling like crap, but I dragged myself into work anyway, because some of my students needed to use my laptop to set up their Powerpoint presentations and load their video and stuff for the midterm presentations on Friday. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed. I must have picked up a bug when I was in the states, cause I had an earache and just felt totally miserable. Anyway..some sights on the way to and back from work...now, here is some strange kinda lizard that was probably about 8 inches long crawling on the side of the road (he is to the right of the bottle, you can barely see him. He looks like some kind of skink..and here is the best looking gas station I have seen yet (I have only seen about 4 total since I have been here..there aren't that many gas stations around this place). Nothing like a 7-11 or anything on this whole island. Inside, the most you can buy are smokes, chips, and usually local soft drinks. I have been in one that sells Coke and Pepsi. Gas is around 1.00 USD a gallon here.
My students are really working hard on their presentations. I hope to get some decent pictures tomorrow....this is going to be hilarious. Some of them have even written original songs for this stuff. Jesus. They really take it seriously. This is Antonio composing a song for his team's presentation, hiding out in my office so no one spies. Also, Kim decided to bring her tambourine to complete the composition. LOL
Yeah, that is my 50-cent Coke in the background. haha How can they make them so cheap here and they cost so much at home? I guess because Coke people in the US are paid way better than anyone here, maybe.
Today's Song That Is Stuck In My Head
Today's stuck song is Tusk by Fleetwood Mac..although I did have a couple of hours that I couldn't get Not Now John by PF out of my head. My head apparently is stuck in the 70s today (wait, was Tusk 70s or 80s? lol..anyway, it was ages ago).
May 1, the Mexicans Are Hitting The Streets: I say we up the ante and plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo by boycotting any business who employs Mexicans and refusing to eat at Mexican restaurants on that day, too. LOL I also agree with Ann Coulter on bringing out the paddy wagons and rounding up anyone present at the protests without an ID. I am completely against amnesty for illegals already in the states because to me that is an insult to all of my friends who came to the US the RIGHT WAY and OBEYED THE LAWS. Les, Dave, Kennedy, thank you for doing the right thing. Just think, you could have just sneaked across the border and not have had to go through the process you did to get where you are. I love legal Mexicans, and I love Mexican food...but come on....and for God's sake, put the darn Mexican flags away if you are fighting to stay in the US. Sorry, but waving that flag has the appearance of an actual hostile takeover. Another case of people liking our money but hating us.
Okay, I am off of my soapbox now.
My Shows This Week...
Survivor: I am glad Courtney went home, cause I couldn't stand her.
Amazing Race: Gotta love the hippies. I hope they win.
Boston Legal: I was embroiled in conversation during that show (and grading papers at the same time), so I kinda missed James and Bill. Darnit.
DH and GA: Both were recap shows, and those suck. Nothing but fillers.
Lost: Haven't gotten to watch it in about 3 weeks, so I am way behind.
The Apprentice: I couldn't stand that chick, whatever her name was..oh yeah, Andrea. I am glad she went home.
Big Love: I TOTALLY MISSED IT THIS WEEK. I guess I will stay up until midnight tonight to watch it because I have no DVR here. That sucks.
Surreal Life: I missed that, too. I like Alexis..he/she is funny as hell.
Okay, I LOVE YOU ALL AND CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. Oh, Tammy, sorry about the phone tag...maybe next time in July?
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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