Trini Life

Sunday, April 30, 2006


I finally got to hop over to Tobago this weekend. Four of my students went along, and we had a great time. It is about a 20-minute flight there, 50 bucks round trip. The beaches there are awesome. I liken Tobago to Tallulah, Louisiana, only with zillions of coconut trees and surrounded by nice beaches. It is pretty laid-back and quiet there. We stayed at a place called "Jimmy's Holiday Resort". It is a local favorite..and while it was decent, it wasn't on the beach..and that sucked..but the beach was a short walk away.

I went to bed Friday night at like 8 p.m., which is so totally not up at midnight...had to be at the airport near my house at 5:30. Quincy had overslept, and when I called him at 5:30 to see where he was, he was still at home in bed. I set out walking toward the airport with my 40-lb backpack (what an early morning workout THAT wasn't even daylight out, and here I was, walking in Trinidad on the main highway)...and Quincy managed to show up and take me the rest of the way to the airport. I think he thought I was going to chew him out, but I was in a good mood and I didn't fuss at all. Besides, the rest of the crew was late getting to the airport, and the last two of them got there 1 minute before the flight closed.

As soon as we landed in Tobago, we walked from the airport over to Store Bay. This was around 7 a.m. Saturday. Here we are (except Melissia was the one taking the picture..and she obviously couldn't get that right. :))).

This is Shelly, Petronilla, Petal, and me.

Here is Melissia (the airport is behind her).

We then walked down the road to Jimmy's Holiday Resort, which was about another half-mile away. We walked most places, except down to the port, and we took a cab there because it was about 6 miles from the area we were staying in. Here is the road to the hotel, the rest of the gang walking up that road, and then the actual hotel (well, the pic of the hotel was taken at night, when we were out by the pool).

We got to the hotel to check in, and Melissia plopped down on a chair outside the motel office without looking to see what was there....and then the security guard told her she might want to get up, because there was dried blood all over the chair and the ground there because a woman stabbed her boyfriend there the night before. Needless to say, she was absolutely horrified and for the next few minutes she walked around like she was trying to not let her pants touch her skin, until they gave us a room so she could change. LOL

We went and got something to eat, then we went back to the beach for a few hours. The beaches here are so beautiful, no trash at all, but the weird thing is...NO SHELLS. None at Maracas, none in Tobago. I got stopped by dozens of rasta men offering to taxi me somewhere (they just totally ignored the rest of the group...guess they knew they were locals, and since I am white, they assumed I had money..haha..sadly mistaken!) We found a nice little spot under the rocks at the beach. I wanted sun, they wanted to stay out of it.

LOOK! There were chickens at the beach, too! haha

We ventured into Scarborough to see about getting tickets to take the boat back Sunday, but there was basically a riot because the ferries were broken down or something, so instead we got tickets to fly back Sunday.
Here is downtown Scarborough, Tobago..and here is a crowd of angry rioters at the port. LOL

Later, we went back to the hotel and sat outside and played cards and stuff.

We had a great time. I can't wait until my family gets here and we get to go to Maracas and Tobago. At least I know my way around a little more now.

I miss everybody...

oh, hey, did I hear that Brett is staying???????!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO! Before ya know it, it will be Fantasy Football time again...I have first dibs on BF! :) LOL


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only one making comments ......thinking of giving up reading the papers...the blog is far more entertaining even more so that a certain Mr Prescott's dalliance !!!

9:28 AM  
Blogger JBo said...

Hey Jon..who is Mr. Prescott? Jeeze, I need to go to the BBC site, I guess. haha And yeah, I usually don't get much feedback in the guestbook; it is usually via IM or email...but thank you for posting in the guestbook! :)

9:27 PM  

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