Trini Life

Friday, April 28, 2006


Well, today was midterm presentation day. The teams made their presentations to the class, so the day went by very quickly. The different teams were each assigned a body system and had to put together some kind of creative presentation regarding such. I think the most creative one was the "Church of the Cardiovascular System", where they transformed "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus" into a song about cardiorespiratory functions. They got the whole class involved...Rayann was preachin' and yellin', "Can I get a witness??" and "Hallelujah, Amen!" all the way through it. OMG, it was hilarious. Antonio was accompanying on the keyboards.

The girls in that group were dancing around, drinking and smoking and eating junk food, when "Moses" (Antonio) came in and warned them about the "hardening of their arteries" and encouraged them to "modify their lifestyles". All but one of them turned from their health sins, and the one that didn't "died".

I think the second most fun presentation was Melissia and Gordon's group. "Antoine Rumco" came into the doctor's office "'cause it hurt meh pee-pee to go pee". Melissia had this Rasta hat with dreadlocks built into it, and Gordon had a lab coat and was lookin' all doctorish. HAHA

Today was Ady's last day (the admin assistant). I sure am going to miss her. She is moving to the UK. She will hate it there, cause she is a sunshine kinda person. See ya again, soon, Ady! :)

Ron H. was around for the going-away festivities, too..

We got Ady a pretty necklace as a going-away present, and it took Nadia forever to put it on her.

Tomorrow morning I am flying to Tobago with 4 of my students. Good Lord, how did I get roped into this? haha The thing is, we were originally supposed to take the boat there and back (the fast ferry takes almost 3 hours)...but they have no set schedule here and we found out that there wasn't a boat early on they decided that we should fly over and then take the boat back to Trini on Sunday. Well now we don't even know if there is a boat coming back to Trini on Sunday before 11 p.m. (and that is the slow ferry, which would put us getting back into Port of Spain at 5-6 a.m. Monday morning, just in time to get ready for So I don't even know if we will get back from Tobago on time. Wait, let me rephrase that...I don't know if THEY will get back from Tobago on time. As for me, I will carry my ass right up to the B-Wee ticket counter and fly back, with or without them.

Have a great weekend...see ya when I return.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sun does sometimes shine in the UK ;-)

Dorsetman !!

2:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:14 PM  

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